Contact Us
Hi there! It's YK here, the person running CS Dojo. Thank you for visiting my website. If you have anything you'd like to tell me, please use this form.
Note 1: I created an FAQ page to answer some of the most frequently-asked questions. You can find it here.
Note 2: One of our CS Dojo communities might be able to answer your question. Feel free to check them out here.
Note 3: I'm no longer able to respond to all the emails I receive due to the high volume, but I read as many as I can. Thank you so much for all your emails and messages, though.
Note 4: Unfortunately, I've received too many emails that make it clear to me that the senders did not read the above points. To mitigate this issue, when you send me a message, please include the word "prescient" somewhere in the message. Otherwise, unfortunately, your emails will be filtered out.
Note 5: I'm usually not able to answer all individual questions. Before using this form, please check the above options. If you need individualized help, feel free to check out this page for coaching.